Spent pleasures, an empty station,

cold uncertain new year's morning

crawling under my virgin skin,

time's driven deadened nails

pulling the pregnant pauses in;

and I'm watching the seconds rise and fall,

this unchartered hour,

from where time comes and goes

like someone else's train.



Candles at dawn,

the night has stolen all that we were,

me with my friends,

you, your secrets,

lost in the immolation

of a year now gone;

I drank with a desperate, fearful edge

then slept with my eyes wide open.

Sally, from what troubled embers

do you return?



This absence of feeling,

this whiplash through gritted teeth

and slow release of sweet oblivion,

mirrored in her measured approach,

although light years apart

what is left unsaid

resonates through empty spaces,

and what remains unknown

spreads like a stain through common waters

and drifts into focus

half a lifetime on.



Now we share

the same easy foreboding,

your past, like a spectre,

it follows you still,

its name I've not known,

but its presence is felt

in these dwindling spaces,

which each hollow second lays bare;

and life in your hands

was a precious thing

let slip one hopeless hour.



Hers is the secret

whose shape is defined

by all that she is not;

and hers is the scent

of time present and past

in uneasy alliance;

dear Sally, purveyor

of irresolution,

still waits on the platform,

still boards the same train,

where from separate cars

and from separate worlds,

I wish her a happy new year

once again.



June - July 1995

© Les Roberts 2012